Magnus Friberg, Partner at Gulliksson is invited to the annual World Congress of Food and Nutrition 2018 to talk about Swedish Food Law.

The World Congress of Food and Nutrition will this year be held at Singapore during November 13-15, 2018. The congress is intended to provide a platform for professionals around the world to exchange research and development and identify research needs and opportunities in the field of Food and Nutrition. Over 300 attendees from all over the world are expected for this unique opportunity.

Magnus Friberg, Partner at Gulliksson is invited to the World Congress  to talk about Swedish Food Law.
– Excited to be part of this is an understatement. It will be very interesting to take part in the discussions and hear the presentations of my peers at this event, Magnus says.

Gulliksson and Life Science
We assist our clients throughout this life cycle: Establishing and maintaining rights and adequate protection for them. Drafting licensing, research and development agreements. The commercialization phase of production. Application of the regulatory framework and in the execution of marketing activities

Irrespective of whether it is a newly started innovative company or an internationally established operation, we are well versed in the conditions and needs the company meets. We have also successfully assisted clients in connection with the enforcement and protection of trade secrets.